The neurobehavioral model was a game-changer for our family affected by FASD. Taking the FAFASD webinar helped identify concrete strategies for addressing thorny problems. I was able to walk through our family’s specific issues and also help problem solve with others. It is by far the most effective workshop that exists for FASD families!

-Kelly G.

I attended the in-person 2 day class and it was excellent. Lots of information. Many other parents in attendance also struggling to better understand their children. Well worth finding sitters for 2 days!

~ J.B.L.

My husband and I have been through the webinar training as well as 2 additional trainings given to our school district. We have found it extremely helpful and highly recommend this class. So many wonderful discussions, questions and ideas to help us as well as our community have a better understanding. This training truly lifted a weight from our shoulders and gave us more patience. Thank you.


Your personal input has changed my direction with co-operating agencies.  Our county social workers are dedicated to getting my…child out of a dangerous group home and reunited with dedicated family and everyone is board with understanding FASD and informing everyone in their small community to help.” 

~A parent

After having gone through training on FASD, including brain-based parenting, I found FAFASD and their Facebook group. The organization and group have truly been our lifeline in raising our daughter over the years. The insight shared by the…group admins is professional and evidence-based. And the input from group members, based on their personal experiences using the neurobehavioral approach, is priceless. 

~Sue Heacock

After dealing with constant frustration surrounding our daughters diagnosis of FASD, my husband and I had opportunity to attend a FAFASD training. We were introduced to the neurobehavioral parenting approach and our world changed drastically. Once we were able to look at her behaviors as a result of her brain damage, our whole thinking and, ultimately, our responses shifted. We have so much more peace in our home and our daughter feels less pressure. Overall, we have had so much more success in raising our daughter, thanks to FAFASD!!

~Renee Orr

When we first heard about the possibility of getting support and training with FAFASD we were skeptical. We’d been to other “classes” about FASD, and frankly came away disappointed. That wasn’t the case with Adrienne’s class. We are so thankful for her class, and I’m still pulling from my class notes many years later.

~Angela Jacks